


I neeeed to get out more.... my life is everything but exciting and nothing but boring!!!!! EDIT// I really meant, I need a vacation far far away!... like Egypt or something...


Johanne said...

ate tata, if only ur here in jersey, i would ask you to go baby shopping with me all the time, trust me, mine is more boring than yours, for now. hahaha. i miss u.

Anonymous said...

Hey Tata! Hang in there! We'll be praying for you & Toto. Just let us know when the next gathering will be happening, okay? Take care & God Bless!...

kittyriz said...

did someone say vacation?!? yup, i know the feeling - that's why i'm taking my time off and heading toward the sun!!! but sometimes you just need to have some moments to yourself to re-boot...