


current show: HEROES
current crave: santol
current music: chior practice stuff
current movie: Little Miss Sunshine
current book: A Series of Unfortunate Events 13: THE END
current ringtone: his voice
current mood: deprived
current food: pud ped
current color: eggplant
current fruit: durian
current drink: Papaya juice
current snack: espasol
current country of interest: China
current dream: secret
current goal: program
current knowledge: History of Islamic Art
current nuisance: Rufus
current want: him
current worry: results
current boredom: spanish class
current need: the program
current shoes: all-star
current phone: Nokia
current clothes: Giordano
current underwear: Penshoppe


Toto said...

Baby, what's pud ped?

tata said...

It's that thai dish that is super spicy chicken in red chili sauce with mint leaves and bamboo shoots. You've tried it before.

Anonymous said...

Hey there just wanted to say hi and I'm glad you are doing ok and you seem happy too, you deserv the best.
Take care somosin.

Anonymous said...

Como estas, Jerri? Porque nunca me llamas? Cuando vamos a ir a algun lugar? Mis ninos no te recuerdan... Pues, llamame cuando anades mas a este website. El "Homepage" no ha estado cambiado por mucho tiempo...desde mayo.

Johanne said...

hey whered u get those penshoppe underwear? oooohhhh i love heroes too! Halloooo new york!!!!