


Christmas was bittersweet. We had a special Christmas program at church, just lots of singing and singing along. Then we ate a lot! Christmas day, my in-laws invited those who didn't have family from church to join us for lunch, Lakers v. Miami (Kobe v. Shaq) game, and Mr. Bean DVD's. Crazy crazy day. Too much food! I tried to gain some pounds but I think it didn't stay on very long. The bitter part, a church family member died of throat cancer. We just buried him today. Tomorrow is New Year's eve, don't know much about the future. Just hoping that God will bless us with a little Toto or little Tata, but right now it seems like it's not happening. I also decided for my new year's resolution to start my own journal, not the 1000 journals project though i did get the idea from Marissa, but just my own to keep because I have so much to say and show and somethings you want to keep close to you without letting the world know. Anyways, see you all next year!


Johanne said...

Happy new year ate!!!! Lil' tata coming soon!!!! yay!!!

iSharmaine said...

lil to-to or ta-ta? really! oOoh!! that's so exciting!

tata said...

No. I meant i want a little Toto and Tata, not that I have one... Sorry, miscommunicated that.