

Merry Christmas!

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he's smiling

See why he's smiling by clicking the picture


I need lots of love

Today i'm sick and it totally sucks. I end up freezing while everybody is warm and then I start sweating, but the minute i take off my sweater I'm freezing again. Anyways, i'm taking a good rest today. Going to spend the rest of the day sleeping so i can go back to work tomorrow. I'll probably, hopefully just have the sniffles tomorrow but if not, i'm keeping the handy dandy tylenol in my purse. Don't want to miss too much work, did too much holiday shopping and i have to make up for it. I don't even know what to get for my husband yet. I have an idea but I don't know if he'll approve since he is very strict about spending too much on gifts. Oh well, we'll see. My joints still hurt but not as bad as last night. Hopefully, sleeping today and drinking lots of water and popping in more vitamin C pills will work. They usually do anyways. I don't want this to last longer than two days. I just hate going to the bathroom and sitting on the freezing toilet. When you're sick, a toilet seat can feel like sitting on a round piece of cold cold ice. "sigh". I just want to be well. I hate being sick. I feel so useless and wasting my time. "sniffle sniffle".

"The stench is unbearable due to the floating dead bodies..."
On another note, my sister in law is here. Her hubby isn't so lucky though. His family was right in the middle of the recent disaster that hit the Philippines. News reached that they ended up sitting on the stairs because that was the only place that was dry. The stench is unbearable due to the floating dead bodies everywhere, and houses can only be seen by the roofs. The rest is under water. Please pray for the families affected by such a disaster. This is a result of global warming and it's only going to get worse. I sincerely encourage everybody to rent "An Inconvenient Truth". That movie will change your life, if not, at least your perspective.


he drives me nuts

So baseball season is over and HE is into hockey...yup, even has a blog post just for the sake of it...(sigh, and i just started with liking baseball. I wonder what's next.


gobble gobble

I probably won't be able to post anything for turkey day until turkey day is over, so, ADVANCE HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE! EAT LOTS AND TALK LOTS AND JUST HAVE FUN!


a new prespective

I'm going to start a photo-a-day blog on my gallery starting 2007. A new perspective on life. Sometimes things don't work out the way we want but i have to keep positive. If i find something interesting in the day that can take my mind off of the stresses in my life, it would really help my day run smoother. So anticipate it starting January 1st. Here's a picture of our cat Nomi I titled "curious". She does this every day no matter what the weather is outside. The screen is actually ripped from her putting her weight on it when she sees something that she wants to chase but is hindered by the screen. As for the layout, i will change it, maybe at the start of the new year. It takes too much time to do and time is what i don't have a lot of right now. But i will, promise.

[edit]8:53pm - ok, ok, so i actually had time today,so yeah, i kept my promise. it's really very simple though and not much crazy stuff on it, but i think it works really well and i'm keeping it for a while.


Too much! Just too much!

I was reorganizing my closet and drawers realizing that the clothes no longer fit. So, I wondered why and I ended up counting all my clothes in my room. I was astonished with what i found. Since when did I have so many clothes? I wonder how much money I must have spent on all of them. What's funny is that the clothes I like the most just happen to be the least expensive ones. Good thing I don't buy a lot of super expensive stuff. So here's that breakdown of my new discovery. And yet, with all these clothes, I still want to buy more. Why oh why. The final tally made my panty count on top of the list.

80 intimates
- 11 boy shorts panties
- 28 regular panties
- 1 thong
- 10 bras
- 1 corset
- 1 bikini bra
- 21 pairs of socks
- 1 handkercheif
- 6 knee high nylons
122 tops
- 14 polos
- 11 long sleeve shirts
- 1 half tank and shirt
- 20 tees
- 1 jersey
- 2 sweatshirts
- 6 turtlenecks
- 3 thick longsleeves
- 14 tank tops
- 2 tube tops
- 4 halter tops
- 24 blouses
- 6 dress/work shirts
- 14 coats/jackets/sweaters
38 bottoms
- 7 jogging pants
- 2 khakis
- 1 cargo
- 1 cordoroy
- 6 jeans
- 9 skirts
- 2 short shorts
- 1 basketball shorts
- 7 slacks
14 misc
- 2 scarves
- 2 beenies
- 5 belts
- 5 party dresses

I'm sure some of you may have more, but to me, this is a lot. And it doesn't include the following...
1) a few suitcases in our garage with my clothes
2) a few boxes in my mom's garage with my clothes
3) my many many many shoes

What I don't have in a regular female closet
1) church dresses
2) pajamas
3) big T-shirts
4) summer dresses
5) anything else???



current show: HEROES
current crave: santol
current music: chior practice stuff
current movie: Little Miss Sunshine
current book: A Series of Unfortunate Events 13: THE END
current ringtone: his voice
current mood: deprived
current food: pud ped
current color: eggplant
current fruit: durian
current drink: Papaya juice
current snack: espasol
current country of interest: China
current dream: secret
current goal: program
current knowledge: History of Islamic Art
current nuisance: Rufus
current want: him
current worry: results
current boredom: spanish class
current need: the program
current shoes: all-star
current phone: Nokia
current clothes: Giordano
current underwear: Penshoppe


What is wrong?

"...the only bi-product would be water!"


Al Gore has been preaching on our TV screens for the past month about the proposition for better energy research. I hope they find a way to use alcohol as a better source of energy for automobiles. They obviously have to make engines fit for such energy but think of it this way, if they do find a way, the only bi-product would be water! And plus, alcohol can be easily produced without depleting our planet's natural resources. We would just have damp streets instead of heavy congested smog populated cities. Every house should have mandatory solar panels and wind mills for electrical energy. Solar panels would be amazing during California's extreme heat periods during the summer and the wind mills for the winter. Los Angeles needs a better transportation system as well. That new metro line, the LA version of a subway should go from the Valley and parallel Wilshire boulevard to UCLA. Thousands of people would take it, employees that work along Wilshire boulevard, students going to UCLA, people would start living in the Valley and take the subway to work, this would lessen traffic and congestion in that Wilshire/Westwood intersection, the busiest in all of California. Better energy sources, better use of energy, and most importantly, less traffic, less smog. Ideas ideas.

"A-Rod is Gay-Rod is Lame-Rod"


On another note, Joe Torre is still going to be with the Yankees. But since he wants to keep A-Rod, i'm losing trust in him. A-Rod is Gay-Rod is Lame-Rod. He causes too much drama for the team, is a real cry baby, obviously doesn't uplift the team or keep the team any way motivated for such an overrated arrogant guy, chokes up during the post season,and yet he still wants to stay as a Yankee. I mean, his wife (who incedently looks more like a man and is probably stronger and less whinny as gAy-Rod) is probably a better 3rd baseman candidate, i mean, look at her. Is Torre even thinking straight? Hasn't he noticed the "CURSE OF the A-ROD"? He has got to change things. Yankees need beter defense, better pitching. Yankees tend to be greedy. They need to invest in younger newer players. That's what the Dodgers gambled on and look, they're a good team, even though they didn't win, that's just because of the young inexperienced line-up, but overtime, they will be better. Check out the Mets. Their starting pitcher was a young inexperienced post-season guy, and he did a good job subbing. Cabrera, Cano, young offensive guys who need a motivating boost, not something that I saw during the post season from the Yankees, rather a whole bunch of stressed dudes. Torre needs to have mandatory dinners with the guys to motivate and excite them after every post-season game played. Motivation is essential especially for young inexperienced players, for cry babies like A-Rod who can't think of anything else but himself instead of his team, and for the team itself. It's no longer about getting your own good numbers, it's about winning, and winning is through team work when it comes to the post-season. I hope Torre does something before I lose all faith in him.


hefi bertdi!



i spoil him

His birthday is in six days. In advance I bought him a NINTENDO DS. He was so ecstatic! He already bought himself a DVD burner. Aside from all that though, he took me out on a date which included breakfast, shopping, lunch and the rest I can't really divulge (wink). So it really wasn't just about him, it was mostly about US. Advance Happy birthday to my romantic, intelligent, and funny Hubby! I want to grow old with you!


If I were a billionaire

"...I were a billionaire.."
I was looking at Forbes on the world's billionaires. Probably only about a thousand total. Mostly self made entrepreneurs whose efforts must have been fierce. And then there are the handfuls who inherited theirs. What would I do if I were a billionaire and money still growing? First I would payoff all my debt, payoff my in-laws house and cars, buy my mom a house and payoff her debt, build my house to the exact specifications that I want, especially the solar panels. Then my real work begins. I would leave the money growth, investments, and management to my husband while I do all the spending..hehehe. I would probably also invest in the research and promotion of alternative sources of energy. Our world is falling apart. I want to also build churches, buy one for our church and build churches especially in the Philippines. I would help our SDA campuses with materials and programs and buildings. Then I would travel the world, assist especially in orphanages building and helping for the betterment of the children's welfare. I would probably spend the rest of my life being a missionary and assisting orphans. I want to teach my children compassion that they will carry with them their whole lives and not depend on the money that sustains them but rather matters of the heart. Also, teach them compassion also in their spiritual lives. For my husband and me, our children's salvation is the greatest priority. That is what I would do if I were a billionaire.


past perfected

Do you ever squirm about wonderful days in highschool? I was looking through some old pictures and happened upon some that just made me scream. I decided to embarrass myself and post some really horrible pictures of my highschool fashion sense... laugh all you want.

In picture one, WHAT IN THE WORLD IS THAT thing around my neck!! is it supposed to be a necklace?

In picture two, check out my bandana cap and moomoo outfit. Was i born in the sixties? Yaaarrrrhhhhggg to the pirate!! Lol!

And picture three is the best one yet, I'm wearing some kind of white stocking, a bridesmaid dress and WHAT IS UP with the bangs!!!


another anniversary

You must possess hope. Hope inspite of pain, hope inspite of sorrow, hope inspite of regret for hope can erase all these. There is hope in a tear as sorrow can bring love. There is hope in remembrance as to reminisce brings understanding. There is hope in a world where an act for separation can be bring compassion. Hope in the presence of freedom, not dominion, joy not war, faith not arrogance, peace not agression.



"But her bust line was even more amazing!"
Do you ever get jealous at those super pretty girls that just get every man's attention? I was sitting at starbucks having my favorite cup of coffee. I actually took time to look pretty today. My hair was nice, I had some make-up on and i felt pretty confident. Then, in a blink of an eye, here she comes in, tall, about 5'7 or 5'8, long silky brunnette with blue-greenish eyes, smooth skin and lips with a hint of tan on her skin and a slender physique. But her bust line was even more amazing. Not too big, but certainly a handful. Ugh! I said to myself. If only...if only... We always think that maybe they are airheads or not that smart. I looked to see what she was holding in her hand, a big heavy biology book and she had a laptop in a cute laptop bag around her shoulder. She was just wearing flat shoes, jeans, and a nice fitting white blouse but believe me, all perverted testosterone driven eyes were on her. My husband claims i'm often vain, well, after seeing her, I felt more envious than vain. I felt ugly actually. Ugh! I said to myself again. We short people never get to win... Ugh!


don't kill me now

"...talking about suicide"
A good friend of mine is in the hospital with complications to her heart, lungs, blood, and intestines. It's a never ending battle to stay alive and a never ending battle for the doctors to keep her going. But now things have changed for the worst. Her whole life she has been in and out of the hospital, nothing she can't handle. But things are getting harder and harder for her and at times she can no longer keep her head up and smiling. She left a message on my voicemail talking about suicide. Recently, she was on a suicide watch. A 70 hour hold. The doctors must be really pissed at her because they must be doing everything they can to keep her living. They have been doing that her whole life. Now it has changed. I'm pissed at her. I'm so mad at her because she has a daughter that she has to live for. She has friends who care and love her. And yet, I cannot sympathize with her because I don't know how frustrating it must be, i don't know how painful it must be.

How is one to know if someone is really dedicated to committing suicide?
There are people who talk about suicide but never do it. They just want your attention. One of my friends told me that there are specific signs you have to pay attention to when someone tells you they want to commit suicide. First, they tell you they want to commit it, second, ask what they plan to do to get it done, and if it sounds doable, ask if they have a reason. If they answered all of those questions, the next thing you do is call the authorities. It is important to keep these things in mind. Please keep her in your prayers even if you don't know her. It doesn't hurt to pray if it can save a life.



"And it goes blah blah blah..."
Can't sleep. Too much on my mind. Made Camping itinerary for the church. Yankees game tomorrow, can't wait to wear my Jeter jersey and yankee cap. Thinking about a good bowl of rocky road ice cream if i have the guts to go downstairs and open my freezer. And it goes on, blah blah blah... Thinking if I should work another job, take classes on the side. Hubby sleeping beside me, computer on my lap, screen light to the lowest. Where are the cats? They usually sleep on the bed with us. Too hot but turned off aircon to save utility bill. Got the fan on but my hair is bugging... Need a good foot massage and I still have that pony tail on my head from this morning. Feet hurt from the heels I wore to church. I wonder how he can just fall asleep like that. How do men do it? ugh! Better try to get some shut eye so I can actually wake up to watch the Yankees. They lost already to the Angels, hope they won't lose again tomorrow... What is up with that?? Wonder if Ferdie is going to cut his mohawk, Diana might convince him,... though he could convince her. She just loves loves him. Bob and Agnes are getting hitched, About time!!! They're so sweet together, hihihi... fun to watch. I wonder if people think me and my hubby are a good looking couple... ?? My Math teacher Sir Dano has a friendster account!!!! Angela is preggy...she'll probably pop out a genius!!! I'm excited.


can't do it

So yes, I am a bit of a baseball fan due to the fanatic man who I call my hubby. Whenever it's the Yankees, and sometimes the Dodgers, he can't get his mind off the game. Even when he's driving, he tunes the radio to the game, when we're at a party or doing some errands, he constantly checks his fone on the internet for new updates and sometimes you'll just randomly hear him shout for joy behind you as you're walking when he finds that his team is winning or did something to have an advantage. GO YANKEES!!! I feel somewhat for Boston Red Sox because they lost four straight games against the Yankees. That must SUCK! But at the same time, GO YANKEES and they are winning without the "supposed" magic of AROD. I LOVE DEREK JETER!!! I hope they keep on winning. I feel for Johnny Damon though. If they keep booing him, at that rate he might just want to win any game against the RED SOX! It's not fair, he contributed so much to Red Sox win in '04 and the management didn't even want to keep him. It wasn't his choice to leave but they didn't sign him back on. Well, moving to the Yankees is the best decision he ever made. At lease he's with a team that actually wants him and they are doing great! GO DAMON!! He looks great without the mustache, almost like changing identity. We actually see his face! YEY!!! GOOD JOB JOHNNY!!!

edit:// AHEM... 5 straight games. They won the fifth today!! Wooohoo!! Another Boston Massacre!


Things I love

Things I love, a cleaning husband and some good FUZE drink (especially the white tea)!


If I die today

"Nothing compares to the terror they must face now..."

There was this guy asking around to see what people thought of all the images being portrayed in the newpapers and magazines about the war in Lebanon and Israel. Most of the people were upset that such gruesome images were allowed to be shown and published. That out-of-sight out-of-mind metality! None of those images are anywhere close to what those orphans are seeing, death in the streets, whose parents were killed, whose aunts and uncles where killed, whose neighbors and friends were killed by acts of war. Nothing compares to the terror they must face now, now that it is happening again even when all they have is themselves. I am troubled. Troubled that the world is falling apart. Troubled that while many die, many don't care. Troubled that I cannot do more than contribute money or raise awareness. However, I rejoice for it gives me hope that Jesus may come in our lifetime! That revelation will finally happen! I'm troubled, but excited. I hate the wars, the terror, but these are signs you know. It gives me an opportunity to still change. Look in the mirror and see my faults and ask forgiveness. You never know, a bomb might hit tomorrow, today, or in a few hours in our cities, in our towns. If I die today will I be able to face the One who can come and take me away? Will you?


what nerve!

"Well, if you were fat maybe I'd help you..."

I went to LANE BRYANT yesterday with my friend. No, you're right, i don't fit any of those clothes but my friend needed some good interview clothes so i was there to help her out. Anyways, I didn't tell her this but this black sales lady was there. She took one good look at me when we came in and she had the nastiest look like "what do you think you're doing here " look. I left the store a couple of times while waiting for my friend to choose and went around the nearer stores in the mall to find some shorts. The second time i went back in, i found a shirt that i thought would look cute on my friend. So I asked the sales lady if they had it in a different color or one without buttons. The lady looked at me with the biggest attitude moving her index finger back and forth and said "Well, if you were fat maybe I'd help you but since your little skinny ass walked in here just to insult us big women, then i don't think i owe you any explanation or help." Then she walked away rolling her eyes! What nerve! I wasn't there to buy stuff for ME, I was there to help my friend pick out some stuff. And she knew that too! She saw us walk in together! She just waited for the right moment when my friend was far enough away so she could insult me like that!!!! What nerve!!! I never chose to be skinny you know. At least they have stores like LANE BRYANT specifically made for heavy set women. They don't have stores for size "0"s and it's really hard to find a size zero that fits you. I literally have to go to the juniors section, a twenty-six year old woman going to the juniors section, to find clothes. You know how hard it is during interviews when they see this tiny girl that looks like ten years old! Plus, men tend to take advantage of you as well! It's not easy being this skinny, and I really wish i could gain more weight! But it's really hard for me. Ask anybody! It's not something i'm proud of, but if big women get treated badly, so do we small skinny women. I shouldn't have been treated that way. That was so not fair!


stop bitching

Please read what the picture says. If anything, these images break my heart. It literally hurts my chest, makes me cry and die inside. I complain a lot about a lot of stupid things but then i fail to realize something. We are certainly a billion times more fortunate than these children. So why are we bitching and complaining?? If only I had all the money in the world, i would give it all to help these poor children. Why don't the rich billionaires have any compassion? What have we become?

//EDIT(7.11.06): Ok, so I take back what I said about the billionaires, although i still believe that the majority don't do their share. The two mentioned in the comment are certainly exceptions.


mislay my sovereignty

Losing my sanity, my sense of independence.

It's a given isn't it that once you get married you depend on each other for support and consult each other in every important aspect of decision making. I've always been an independent person, seeking out solutions to my own problems and finding my own way of working things out. However, since I've gotten married, I’ve been so dependent on my husband, leading to some kind of frustration. Not that it's bad to be dependent because that's how relationships are supposed to work, but I sometimes feel the need to make decisions without consult, which in turn of course could lead to disaster. Well, at some point I’m going to have to suck it up and take a deep breath. It's for my own good anyways, just have to let go of that pride you know. I just have a hard time doing so. It's difficult and nobody said that it would be a smooth ride, but one thing is for sure, I no longer hold selfishly the rights to the wheel, i will at many times be a passenger!



So here's some videos from over the weekend. First the socials night. We had a fasion show of famous filipina women but we had the men dress up! It's so funny!!! CHECK OUT MY HUSBAND IN HIS GREEN DRESS! On father's day we took dad to Long beach. Here are some videos of them with the birds. I might not be keeping these videos up for long, so enjoy while it's still up. There are also pictures from this weekend up on the gallery. Enjoy!



HaPpY bIrThDaY tO mE?????

edit//[6.15. 6:11pm] for those who know me and my obsession with penguins, my Babe got me the BEST card ever!!!


crisis ahead!

I finally have a bowel movement.
Three old men are talking about their aches, pains and bodily function's. One seventy year old man says, "I have this problem. I wake up every morning at seven and it takes me twenty minutes to pee." An eighty year old man says, "My case is worse. I get up at eight and I sit there and grunt and groan for half an hour before I finally have a bowel movement." The ninety year old man says, "At seven I pee like a horse, at eight I crap like a cow." "So what's your problem?" asked the others. "I don't wake up until nine!" he replied.

In about eight days I will be oldER!!! Life moves so fast! I graduated from college, got married, reconsidered alternative professions, returning to school,... All in so little time yet it feels like i've aged ten times more!!! I feel like i'm falling apart!! I found my old and first passport. Here was what I looked like during my innocence.



"WHAT THE F***!"
WHAT THE F***! WHY DID HE WIN?????????HOW THE HELL DID TAYLOR HICKS WIN????!!@#@%@#@#% What the @#$@%!#! He can't even sing that well! Kat CAN SING. Chris CAN SING!!! What the @#!@#@$!!!!! I'm so pi$$&)!!! And I voted too!!! Arrggg!!!


the sperm donor

I consider him the sperm donor!

For 25 years, almost 26 in a month, I have lived my life without ever knowing my father. I've never even met him. Up until this day, he's not my father if one truly understands the definition of the word. I consider him the sperm donor! Then just a few months ago, I found out that my husband's uncle was best friends with my biological father way back in his college days. There are even pictures to prove it. All my friends tell me that if I get a chance, that I should look for him. Everybody has been telling me that maybe I should find him. Some actually know where he is. But I don't want to, although I'm curious. What will it do to my mother? How will she feel if I find him? What if I hurt her? What if she never really liked him or that he was a mistake in her past that she is not willing to confront? I'm afraid of hurting her because she's done all that she could raising me by herself. But I do wonder, what if I have siblings? I've always been an only child. What if he looks like me? What if I look like the siblings? But I'm also afraid I might hurt HIS side as well. What if his family doesn't know he has another child? What if it will affect his family? What if it breaks it apart if all of a sudden I come into existence? These are risks I'm not willing to take. So even though I have these curious questions, the consequences just don't seem to be worth it. Afterall, if he really was interested, why hasn't he taken the effort to look for me?

What should I do?


love him


There's certainly something more than money that make me smile. It's love. Always love. I got a card for mother's day! My Toto. He gave me a card. On the envelope it said "TO MY TATA, TO THE MOM OF MY FUTURE KIDS, THE LOVE OF MY LIFE!". Then inside it had this cute cat cartoon that was saying things such as "To my wonderful wife, know what I love most about you? Your sexy smile, your cute laugh, your passionate kisses, your warmth and caring, your sense of humor, your forgiving ways, the way you snuggle, your gentle touch, your whisper in my ear, EVERYTHING! Happy mother's day, I love you. Yours forever, Toto!" Damn I love my man! He just makes me skip a beat.


I have a secret

"may become necessary for sexual gratification"

I have this fetish. What sucks about it is that it makes me so SUPERFICIAL!!! Arggg!!! Sometimes it affects my relationships. Sometimes it makes me think bad thoughts. I wonder if they have support groups (or better yet, fetish removal groups) that can help me overcome this so that I don't get in so much trouble. Man, I'm going to get in so much trouble for this. Does anybody know any rehabilitation programs for freeky diky stuff like this. I know, I'm weird.Edit:// ok, let me just expand this a bit. The meaning of fetish is: An object of unreasonably excessive attention or reverence, something, such as a material object or a nonsexual part of the body, that arouses sexual desire and may become necessary for sexual gratification. An abnormally obsessive preoccupation or attachment; a fixation.

With that said, it's almost like cheating isn't it? And just to clarify, it's the arms. Nice cut arms. Not big, not buff, just cut.....


not just race

"I can't imagine my Lola considered a felon"

As hundreds of thousands of immigrants, mostly latinos walked the streets of the country yesterday, I softly wondered to myself, would there really be a great impact? The only way for the United States to be impacted by the boycott is if every single immigrant walked the streets. Not just latinos, but filipinos, thai, asians, middle easterns, indians, all immigrants. Does the new proposed law not understand how bad economically the country would be without immigrants? 35 million immigrants in the united states, imagine how much taxes they pay, imagine our produce, who is willing to pick their own lettuce or pay ten dollars for a head of lettuce? Engineers, doctors, professionals all contributed their cultural and educational skills to this country to advance it in medicine, science, and agriculture. I can't imagine my Lola considered a felon, 70+ years old, worked her butt off to support family members in the Philippines, Lola considered as a felon. The main reason there are so many filipino nurses in the US is because white Americans don't want to be nurses. They want a higher pay raise than what typical filipino nurses get. That said, I doubt there are many white americans who are willing to clean toilets, wipe elder people's butts, wash dishes in restaurants, pick the produce in the farms. A great nation is one whose attributes embrace cultures, understand cultures, and appreciate other cultures for their contributions to society. The greatness of one country is due to the contributions of another.

Update: new poem entry "BECAUSE I LOVE YOU"


So here it is

"Passion makes the world go round. Love just makes it a safer place."
Ice T, The Ice Opinion

Here it is. My new layout. What better way to celebrate the changing of the season than to come in with passion and enthusiasm. It is the time of love, friendship and fun. So bring it on! Time to take out those clothes in the far corner of the closet. I might get a hair cut too, color my hair, and buy a few clothes just for the season. Who knows, maybe this time I might just get that summer dress that I've been wanting. I'm not quite done yet though. Some links I'm still working on. Lots of other quirks cuz I'm not an expert in this layout thing. It doesn't work with firefox so i have to fix that too. So be patient with me while i'm working on it.

update: I added some more pics of my sister-in-law's wedding in the gallery for those of you who know her. I hope Joma doesn't mind but I fell in love with her wedding!


I guess so....

"I love seasons too, that's why I live in a state that gets rid of all the crappy ones!"...

So it's not winter anymore. I actually like winter. Cold mornings in bed. No glare on the drive. No skin cancer, no seasonal allergies, no forest fires, no raking of leaves (cuz there aint any) but more importantly, that nice winter cuddle. Dangit! Maybe I should live in Alaska! Hahaha! Just kidding. I once heard this on XM radio about california.Hehehe.... maybe, maybe. But which are considered crappy? I have a cold, change of weather thing. I like her blog layout, but I can't stand too many flowers. I feel like sneezing. Well, except maybe roses. Speaking of layouts, maybe I should update this blog. I might as well. When I have the time I guess. Soon... yup, soon.



For the most part, when he went to the Philippines, his main goal, aside from his sister's wedding and graduation was to shop. He shopped a lot. Got me all the clothes I wanted, some with the help of his sister ching, and some other pasalubong. He got me a new phone too! Thank goodness cuz my old phone was falling apart.

I added some pictures to the gallery of my sister-in-laws wedding and graduation for those of you who know her. I'll post more when more comes.

The wedding was really pretty from the pictures and video I saw and yet it was simple. Too bad I couldn't go. I think, if my husband and I had the wedding in the Philippines, the money we spent at our wedding would be very extravagant if spent there. But it’s ok. The wedding was very simple and pretty but very very pretty. Too bad I don't have enough reception photos because it was at the university pool, lighted palm and coconut trees, candles floating in the pool, beautiful candlelight dinner underneath the moon and the stars... Nature took over and beautified such a moment. I know a lot of people spend a lot on weddings, but a simple wedding is just as beautiful if done right. Simplicity can mean many things and it is a witness to others of who you are at times. If something simple can be beautiful, such as my sister-in-laws wedding, it shows who she is, a simple and beautiful individual. She doesn't need extravagance to show her beauty, for beauty is much more amazing when it's natural. Like the stars that lit up her ceiling during her reception, they were the real stars, the real moon, the ceiling was the sky, and the soothing sound of music was the waters of the pool. True love is not bound by money, it is bound by God.

Finally, some other pasalubong. Dried mangos, sampalok, durian candy etc.

The nectarine (or is it peach) tree in the back yard is growing really well. It's flowering. The grass has grown so fast especially within the last days when it rained non-stop. So he had to mow the lawn. .. he looks funny doing it in his pajamas....hehe



HE'S HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



So I couldn't help it. I called him on his cellphone. It costs him 2.29 per minute for me to call him in the philippines, 0.50 for him to send text messages, 0.10 for him when he receives text messages. I just jacked up his phone bill to a little over 200 dollars in addition to his regular rates. Hehehehe... What I do for love.



I'm up early this morning. Been packing his things for the last two days, creating a checklist for all the things he needs and making sure he has everything ready to go. His flight is at 11:20 this morning but with traffic and 405 in our path, I honestly don't know what time we would make it if we waited any longer. I miss him already. I feel so lonely. My bed mates will be my cats for the next few days. Good thing Lola, Nene, and Auntie are here to keep me company. But it's harder on my part because I see the things that remind me of him everyday. If there is one true test of faithful love, this must be one of them. I know that it's not like he's leaving for a long long time, but nonetheless, he's leaving, and that still triggers my depression. I fear many things and you never know what will happen, a plane crash, a hijacking, kidnapping, anything could happen. Well, at least he's not in Iraq like Bhoyette, but then again, he's still far away.

EDIT (9:35pm)//: I NOW HAVE SARS!!!!!
(Severe Absence of Romance and Sex!!)


He's leaving...

In two weeks I will be alone. No one to cuddle me to sleep, to kiss my forehead when I'm sad, to hold me when I'm cold, to listen when I'm talkative, to smile when I'm silly, to laugh when I'm silly, and to love whenever I want. This sucks...

*he's going to the PI



For valentine's day, my husband did something different (amazingly sweet in other words). He gave me a valentines gift a week before v-day, on v-day we had a wonderful dinner with my in-laws, and today, after v-day he picked me up early, went to Barnes for some reading material and took me out for Sushi!!!! Valentines day is certainly very special for me, but everyday is special when I know that the man God gave me is perfect for me.

My v-day gift... no it's not roses or chocolates-those things don't last very long... but this... an original adidas track jacket!!! yey!!!


It sucks and its back!!

WINTER is officially over in california. The temperature has raised and we're actually experiencing wild fires here. So, this winter, it hardly rained, just a little windy, but a light sweater is all you really need. Actually, it just feels like the cooler side of spring.
"HOUSE"!!!!! IS BACK!!!! Thank goodness! I miss the sarcastic, genius doctor that has made my tuesdays a lot more exciting! yey!
My sexy babe. I like it when he does his morning sit-ups and his hair is messy and in all directions. I think its so sexy! Well, he's my husband, ofcourse! I always find him sexy!