I'm going to start a photo-a-day blog on my gallery starting 2007. A new perspective on life. Sometimes things don't work out the way we want but i have to keep positive. If i find something interesting in the day that can take my mind off of the stresses in my life, it would really help my day run smoother. So anticipate it starting January 1st. Here's a picture of our cat Nomi I titled "curious". She does this every day no matter what the weather is outside. The screen is actually ripped from her putting her weight on it when she sees something that she wants to chase but is hindered by the screen. As for the layout, i will change it, maybe at the start of the new year. It takes too much time to do and time is what i don't have a lot of right now. But i will, promise.
[edit]8:53pm - ok, ok, so i actually had time today,so yeah, i kept my promise. it's really very simple though and not much crazy stuff on it, but i think it works really well and i'm keeping it for a while.
ooooh.. i like the new layout... im too lazy to update mine...
Wow. I admire your creativity, your sense of humor and perspective on life. Read your bio and you are a very interesting and intelligent individual. Your blog is fun and interesting to read. Yet, i would love to meet this person who can talk about anything, even the number of clothes in her closet and at the same time be intelligent to hold captivating conversations. Great blog. But i'm sure the person is better.
wow! great job! you are so creative!
its so pretty ate. im sorry i got u worried ate. im here with my mom and dad ryt now, ill be fine. plray lang ate. thanks. luv u so much.
Did u make this layout by yourself? i have no time to make one, i'm so lazy and busy. I'm just good at "copy-paste" thing. hehe i like the layout, really..
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