"may become necessary for sexual gratification"
I have this fetish. What sucks about it is that it makes me so SUPERFICIAL!!! Arggg!!! Sometimes it affects my relationships. Sometimes it makes me think bad thoughts. I wonder if they have support groups (or better yet, fetish removal groups) that can help me overcome this so that I don't get in so much trouble. Man, I'm going to get in so much trouble for this. Does anybody know any rehabilitation programs for freeky diky stuff like this. I know, I'm weird.Edit:// ok, let me just expand this a bit. The meaning of fetish is: An object of unreasonably excessive attention or reverence, something, such as a material object or a nonsexual part of the body, that arouses sexual desire and may become necessary for sexual gratification. An abnormally obsessive preoccupation or attachment; a fixation.
With that said, it's almost like cheating isn't it? And just to clarify, it's the arms. Nice cut arms. Not big, not buff, just cut.....
We need a consult, marissa will be our psychologist. I think im having an emotional breakdown... (im weird too) can u pray for me? Im glad auntie is better now.
hmm... depends,what fetish do you have? i have fetishes too... -=)
Oh for goodness sake! that's it? You're funny.
Whoa! That was wild! I'll be praying for you if you'll be praying for me & ???, if you know what I mean! Talk to you later!...
Girl! my definition of cheating is if you act on it. You're not so you're not cheating. Relax, it's not THAT bad.
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