

I guess so....

"I love seasons too, that's why I live in a state that gets rid of all the crappy ones!"...

So it's not winter anymore. I actually like winter. Cold mornings in bed. No glare on the drive. No skin cancer, no seasonal allergies, no forest fires, no raking of leaves (cuz there aint any) but more importantly, that nice winter cuddle. Dangit! Maybe I should live in Alaska! Hahaha! Just kidding. I once heard this on XM radio about california.Hehehe.... maybe, maybe. But which are considered crappy? I have a cold, change of weather thing. I like her blog layout, but I can't stand too many flowers. I feel like sneezing. Well, except maybe roses. Speaking of layouts, maybe I should update this blog. I might as well. When I have the time I guess. Soon... yup, soon.


Anonymous said...

Hey miss seasonal allergies! Long time no see! Why don't you move to Nebraska! Just kidding.

Johanne said...

haha her layout, and her entry of that Prucha. she took that pic of him on her tv. hahaha. if winter here is like california, i would love winter too.

kittyriz said...

new layout! new layout! hehe you don't have to do "flowers" pick some other spring summer favorite... and yum yum that hockey player of mine! LoL

Anonymous said...

You should really make a new layout. This one just is not a representative of california.

iSharmaine said...

whoa! new layout! you beat me to it... i guess now i really should make a new layout...

iSharmaine said...
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