

yeah, i know

I just really wanted to make this blog have some kind of reflection of me. Or something of the sort. The cherry blossoms just wasn't it. Then it dawned on me, the things I miss the most. I miss the adventures that my friends and I used to have. The kayaking, hiking, spelunking, traveling, all that stuff. I remember when we were kayaking in some caves in anacapa island. I miss all that stuff. Stuff that used to define me. It's been a little stressful lately and I've certainly changed priorities, but deep inside, it's still there, that part of me that has always wanted adventure. That person who just loves the great outdoors. It's there somewhere, I just misplaced it somehow and now am picking up the little clues of where that part of me has gone. So here it is, the final alteration to my blog. I'll stick with this one for a while. Promise. Although I still have problems trying to text-align left on css. Doesn't seem to work. Bear with me while i try to figure it out.