


For valentine's day, my husband did something different (amazingly sweet in other words). He gave me a valentines gift a week before v-day, on v-day we had a wonderful dinner with my in-laws, and today, after v-day he picked me up early, went to Barnes for some reading material and took me out for Sushi!!!! Valentines day is certainly very special for me, but everyday is special when I know that the man God gave me is perfect for me.

My v-day gift... no it's not roses or chocolates-those things don't last very long... but this... an original adidas track jacket!!! yey!!!


It sucks and its back!!

WINTER is officially over in california. The temperature has raised and we're actually experiencing wild fires here. So, this winter, it hardly rained, just a little windy, but a light sweater is all you really need. Actually, it just feels like the cooler side of spring.
"HOUSE"!!!!! IS BACK!!!! Thank goodness! I miss the sarcastic, genius doctor that has made my tuesdays a lot more exciting! yey!
My sexy babe. I like it when he does his morning sit-ups and his hair is messy and in all directions. I think its so sexy! Well, he's my husband, ofcourse! I always find him sexy!